Friday, September 11, 2009

Ordinary Injustice: America's Judicial System Gone Awry

(From The American Lawyer)

Lazy or overwhelmed public defenders. Wrongful convictions. Abuse of power. Amy Bach, a former staff reporter for The American Lawyer and a Stanford law school graduate, discusses it all in her new book, Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court (Henry Holt, September 2009). After spending seven years in criminal courts in Georgia, New York, Illinois, and Mississippi, she chronicles a judicial system that fails not only those most in need, but society at large.

Where did the idea for Ordinary Injustice come from?

Before I went to law school I had a [Soros Justice Media] fellowship to write about civil rights. In courtrooms, I was seeing injustice everywhere. And no one was telling these stories.

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